Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 6 in Paris

Today was an adventure! We started our morning at 11 and headed to the Musee de L'Orangerie, which is a museum that has a whole level dedicated to Monet as well as many other impressionist artists and surrealists. There was also an exhibit of paintings that influenced Debussy's work. This museum tied in well with our topic of Impressionism, as well as helping some further their research for their final paper. 

After going to the Orangerie, we ate lunch at a cafe in the Tuilerie gardens. Most of us had delicious French flat bread sandwiches. 

After lunch we had a free day to explore Paris. Most of us went shopping. It is incredible to see the similarity and differences in French and American style. We loved looking at all of the different displays and shopping in different boutiques. Paris is filled with so much fashion, that I know just from a day of shopping I have learned new fashion tips! 

After a full day of shopping, taking pictures and laughing, we ended up eating at a restaurant called Tabac at Sorbrone. We ate a mixture of food tonight, from omelets and pressed ham and cheese sandwiches to hamburgers. It was a fun dinner because we had an Italian waiter who kept coming up to us saying, "I love Americans!" After dinner we walked around St. Michel and shopped a little while we ate our Nutella crepes. They were absolutely delicious! 

Today was full of adventure and I know we are all looking forward to tomorrow! Tomorrow we are going to Versailles! Au revoir

With love from Paris, 
Sara Kat

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